7 things you must do to attract the best employees to your company

attract the best employees

Written by iMaven

iMaven provides a dynamic platform enabled by machine learning and matching algorithms to provide employers access to vetted, specialised recruiters to help them fill crucial jobs in an increasingly poor candidate market.

Hiring the right person for the job is vital for any successful business. Now, you might currently have a hiring process in place, but ensuring you are incorporating these seven tips will enhance your company’s chances to attract only the best employees

  1. Build a strong employer brand.

Start with creating a recognisable and memorable brand, to attract top talent. Your employer branding must portray the identity, personality and working culture of your business. Your brand includes things such as chances for career progression, training opportunities, maternity leave best practices, cultural diversity, to name a few. This helps candidates see why they should choose you over a competitor, and it creates a positive sense of loyalty and pride within the business. By building a well-known employer brand, you stand out as a business, becoming a highly sought-after employer This can be done by actively engaging with the community, through responding to reviews, sharing updates and renewing the company’s culture and work environment. Passive candidates will engage at a much higher rate when a business presents a brand that reflects their values.

According to an Officevibe report, a strong employer brand can reduce employee turnover by 28% and it is more likely to attract the 75% passive candidates who is not actively looking.

  1. Move as quickly and efficiently as possible.

When it comes to recruiting, time is absolutely of the essence. Officevibe reported that the best candidates are only available for an average of 10 days and will have multiple options to choose from. If an applicant stands out, it is important to act quickly. Even if you haven’t made a final decision yet, you should keep them updated on the process and answer any questions or concerns. You can stay on their radar by discussing further details of the position and checking in with them often.

  1. Write targeted job descriptions.

In a Wall Street Journal Study, researchers found that by focusing on what your company can do for potential employees, you’ll attract better candidates who will fit your company’s needs.

According to the study, there are two main approaches your business can take when creating a job description:

  • the Needs-Supplies approach, where you focus on what your company can do for the candidate
  • the Demands-Abilities approach, which outlines what the company expects from the candidate. 

The report looked at 56 job ads and found that of the 991 responses, the Needs-Supplies listings had higher rating applicants than those of the Demand- Ability ads.

  1. Embrace digital trends and social media.

Most people want to work for companies that keep up with the latest tech trends. Respondents in this day and age prioritise digitally enabled organisations, which means your business will need to step into the 21st century and embrace the digital age to attract and search for candidates.

You can also use social media to conduct candidate research. A candidate’s online profiles can offer more details about the individual then a standard background check. For better or for worse it can offer a better picture of a job applicant.

  1. Fit the personality to the job.

A candidate’s skill set, and knowledge of the field are almost always considered more important than personality in a potential hire. However, skills can be learned, but people can’t change their personalities and attitudes.

What you are looking for in a candidate may vary depending on the department or industry you are hiring for. Consider how a candidate’s personality traits align with the daily job tasks. For instance, a trait such as empathy would likely be much more important for a nurse or a social worker than it would be for a tax attorney or a computer programmer.

  1. Improve your interview process.

A flawed interview process could lead to multiple problems down the road. A study by Leadership IQ  revealed that 82% of the 5,000 managers surveyed reported that the interviewers were too focused on other issues, too pressed for time, or lacked the confidence in their interviewing abilities to pay attention to red flags.

Along with competence, factors such as coachability, emotional intelligence, temperament and motivation shouldn’t be overlooked in the job interview process.

It’s important to allow candidates to ask questions too. This will give you a chance to see what’s important to them and allows them a chance to determine that they want to keep pursuing a job at your company. Be open, honest and give a realistic preview of the work environment at your company. Remember, while you are interviewing a candidate, they are also interviewing your company.

  1. Keep an eye on your reviews.

Your online reviews provide candidates with insights about your organisation, including what it is like to actually work for the business. Candidates seek out details such as salary estimates, interview tips, and reviews from current and former employees.

Studies show that 86% of Glassdoor and Seek users read company reviews and ratings before deciding to apply for a job. If a job seeker doesn’t like what they find, they may choose to bypass your opportunity in favour or another company. 50% of job seekers said they would not take a job with a company that had a bad reputation, even for a pay increase. However, if the reviews are generally positive, they may be even more enticed by what you have to offer.

Being active on review websites and posting accurate information can draw in candidates. If you have a lot of negative reviews from former employees, it may be time to work on your company culture. Doing so can improve your employee retention and lead to more positive reviews that will attract quality employees.